
How to Remove Red Wine Stains

how to remove red wine stains

One spill or drop can turn a perfectly good red wine into a permanent mark on your clothing, carpet, upholstery and more. Because of its deep pigment and astringent tannins, red wine stains are notoriously tricky to remove.

But with a little know-how, you can get those stains out, no matter what surface they appear on. And if you don’t have the stain-removing power of a professional, here are some tried-and-true home remedies that will work.


The best way to remove red wine stains is to act quickly and treat the stain as soon as possible. This will prevent the color from setting into the fabric or upholstery, which can make the spot much harder to remove later on.

Blot away as much of the liquid as possible with a clean, dry cloth or paper towel. Then, rinse with cold water until the stain disappears.

Some substances that have been successful in removing red wine stains include club soda, dishwashing detergent, and vinegar. These substances break down the pigments that cause wine to stain clothing and other fabrics. Dishwashing detergent can also help lift the stains out of carpets and other synthetic materials.

Another substance that has been shown to work for red wine stains is salt. This substance has a high sodium content, which can absorb the wine and help lighten or remove the stain.

A small amount of salt applied to the stain can soak up the wine and remove it, if not completely. The salt can then be rinsed out and the clothing or carpet soaked with cool water to dilute the residue.

If the stain persists, try rubbing it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and soap, which can remove the color from fabric. This works well on white cotton, but it may be a bit harsher on darker fabrics.

Mix equal parts of soap and hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle or container. Spot test the solution on an inconspicuous area first, then use it generously and gently sponge or dab the stained fabric.

Rinse the cloth or paper towel with cold water, then repeat steps until the stain is gone. For a final treatment, sprinkle the stained surface with baking powder and let it sit for a few minutes before vacuuming up the powder.

While most of these substances are safe to use around children and pets, it’s always a good idea to read and follow the care label on any garment you’re trying to remove a red wine stain from before attempting to do so yourself. If you don’t follow the label’s instructions, you could be causing more damage to your clothing and carpet than the original stain.


Red wine stains are notoriously stubborn, and if left untreated, can be nearly impossible to remove. They can appear on a variety of surfaces, including clothing and carpets.

The first step in removing these stains is to act quickly and treat the stain immediately after it occurs. You can do this by blotting the area with a paper towel or clean cloth, which will absorb as much of the liquid as possible before it sets in.

When you blot, resist the urge to scrub as this can set the stain even further. This is especially important when treating red wine stains on clothing as scrubbing can embed the wine even more deeply into the fabric’s fibers, making it harder to remove later.

If the fabric is cotton, you can use a solution of boiling water and vinegar to soak up as much of the stain as possible before rinsing it. However, this method is not as effective for wool rugs or other materials that are more difficult to clean with harsh chemical treatments.

You can also soak up the stain by applying a solution of baking soda and water to it. Baking soda is a good choice for carpets and upholstery because it won’t damage the material.

Another non-toxic, home cleaning solution is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and dish soap, which will help to break down the molecules that make up the red wine’s pigment. You can find this combination in most grocery stores.

Aside from being a safe, inexpensive way to remove the stain from your clothes or other fabric items, hydrogen peroxide will also get rid of most bacteria and mildew spores, which will help you keep your laundry looking as good as new. If you have an appliance like a dishwasher or washing machine that has a built-in bleach function, you can also use it to bleach the stained fabric.

After soaking, it’s a good idea to rinse the affected area as soon as you can to ensure that all of the chemicals have been removed from your clothes or other fabric items. This will help to prevent the stain from setting, and it can save you time and energy if the stain becomes too large to easily blot out.


Red wine stains are notoriously difficult to remove, so it’s important to act quickly when they occur. There are a number of techniques you can use to pre-treat a stain and prevent it from becoming permanent, including applying salt or baking soda, rinsing with club soda, or washing the item in a laundry detergent with built-in stain removers.

For fresh stains, you can blot up the wine with a clean white cloth to help soak up as much of the liquid as possible. You may need to repeat this process several times until the stain is gone.

Once you’ve soaked up as much of the stain as possible, Napelbaum suggests using baking soda to help lift the stain. Rub the baking soda over the stained area, then blot again. Once the stain is lifted, you can wash it as usual.

A few drops of distilled white vinegar applied directly to the stain can also help lift it. Alternatively, you can soak your fabric in hot water and allow it to soak up the red wine before rinsing with cold water.

Milk is another great way to absorb a fresh red wine stain and can be applied directly to the garment before washing. This method can be particularly helpful for wool garments, as it hydrates the fibres.

You can also combine a few drops of milk with a little bit of white vinegar to help break down the stain, which is especially effective for dark-coloured garments. You can also mix a mixture of surgical spirit and water to soak up a red wine stain on your wool garments.

If you don’t have either of these ingredients on hand, you can also try using Sunlight Dishwashing Liquid to help lift a red wine stain. This is a natural stain-fighting liquid that works well on red wine and other greasy stains.

If you’ve tried one of these methods to pre-treat a red wine stain and it doesn’t seem to be working, you can try a detergent with built-in stain removers, like Tide Ultra OXI High-Efficiency Liquid or Persil(r) Stain Fighter Laundry Detergent Discs. Both of these products are designed to dilute stains and remove them without rubbing or scratching. They work well on delicate fabrics, such as silk and leather, too.


If you have a red wine stain, it can be stressful. Whether it’s on your clothes or your carpet, it’s an unsightly mark that can really detract from the overall look of your room. But there are ways to remove a red wine stain, regardless of the material it’s on.

To start, blot the stain with a clean white cloth (or paper towel) as quickly as possible. This will help prevent the wine from absorbing deeper into the fabric and causing more discoloration.

Don’t rub or scrub the area; this will push the stain further into the material and make it harder to remove. Keep blotting at the stain until it’s gone.

One of the easiest and most effective ways to remove a red wine stain is to apply table salt directly to the stained area. This will absorb the liquid and break up any clumps of wine. You can also use dry powdered materials like baking soda or talcum powder to do the same job.

Another great option is to mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing liquid. This can be applied to the stain and left for 20 minutes before washing it out completely.

This will not only remove the red wine stain, but also break down any lingering dyes and prevent them from setting in. Just be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them to the letter!

If the red wine stain is still there after a few days, it may be time to turn to chemical stain removers. This is especially true for older stains that appear to be set.

OxiClean has been a long-time favorite of cleaning experts, and it comes in three formats to handle any stain type. Other popular options include Biokleen’s Bac-Out Stain and Odor Remover, Ecover Stain Stick, and Spot Shot. Be sure to read the product’s directions carefully, as some have specific soaking times for particular fabrics.